As you well know, Asia has more than earned its standing as one of the most prominent markets for all things mobile gaming related. Some of the best developers come out of the wood work in Asia, launching many of the most successful games into the world market. PocketGamer.Biz recently released a sneak peak of the data they’ve compiled regarding “the behavior of the users in the Chinese mobile gaming market.” In the past year, China has experienced one of the best growth rates for their mobile gaming industry, in comparison to that of any other country in the world. So now, everyone is looking to China to see just how they did it and how they can achieve the same results.
When aspiring to reach the top of the app charts, most developers will ask themselves what style of game play is most popular amongst users. In China, more than 50% of installed games are casual games, such as the infamous Cut the Rope. Card games or board games, such as slot machines and casino style apps, have the second greatest download percentage, sitting at a massive 24% of all games downloaded.
One astonishing figure that you may not be aware of is that the average mobile user will download between 6 and 20 games each month, meaning most gamers will visit the app store every three or so days to see what’s new and get a new download. While there’s been much growth and change in most trends of the Chinese mobile market, one thing still rings true with 50% of all downloads occurring on the weekend, between Friday and Sunday. Keep in mind that Tuesday may not be the best time to launch your new game, as it has the lowest installations for any day of the week.
A bit of food for thought for any developer launching a new app onto the iOS or Android marketplace. If you’re looking for more information on the latest trends in China, check out for the complete study.