It is important to measure the success of your app and doing this is one of the challenges for app entrepreneurs. There are a number of key ways to measure the success of your mobile app and in doing this it is essential follow the below metrics:
- Acquisition – This is utilised in order to measure the amount of downloads for the app. It is crucial to have a large amount of downloads for an app to be successful. This metric also features the “Discovery” method in which it helps you to better understand where the app is discovered for users. This also plays a part in assisting for marketing purposes.
- Engagement – This metric is divided into specific groups, Session Length, Goals Completed, User Loyalty and Active Users. The session length relates to the time spent within the app for a user. Whether or not your app has achieved goals is also important as well as the loyalty between the app and the users. The app is generally used more than five times to be classified as an active user.
- Retention – When it comes to measuring the app’s popularity there are two sub-metrics involved including Retention Rate and Life Time Value. Retention rate is relevant to the amount of users the app has been able to retain of a duration. Apps with a substantial retention rate allow for a high average Life Time Value as the users are long lasting.
- Quality – This metric calculates the level of quality of the application using key factors such as app store reviews, manual user feedback and automatic crash report. The issue is generally emailed to the developer when the app crashes. It is crucial to get positive feedback from the app store and users should be provided with the option of giving manual feedback.
- Behaviour – It’s important to measure the user behaviour in general, for example the usage time and frequency that one operates for, by the locations and devices he operates from and the usage actions relevant to your app.
Good luck with the measurement of your app and remember to take these key metrics on board when measuring your apps success!